No Friday Bible Study Closed Friday - No Bible Study or Youth. We will have Saturday Men's Prayer @ 7:00 am Pantry Sat. @ 10:30 am

Is it Important to Interact Daily with God?

Part Ten of the Learning to Walk With Christ Series

You Have a New Inner Circle

It is very important that you interact daily with God by reading the Bible and by spending quality time in prayer. Being a follower of Jesus Christ is not simply something that you do; it identifies who you are. You are in relationship with God. This means that you now have a new inner circle of close friends. They are God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit.

If I had the pleasure of being your friend, we would spend time together and we would share information about our lives. There would be times when each of us would talk and times when we would listen. Because you are now His friend, you should have the same interaction with God. This interaction with God is called prayer.

The apostle Paul wrote in the New Testament book of Ephesians that we are to 'pray in the Spirit on all occasions, with all kinds of prayers and requests. With this in mind, be alert and always keep praying for all the saints' (Ephesians 6:18).

I encourage you to develop the practice of having a daily quiet time with God where you can interact with Him by talking and listening to Him. You can praise the Lord in the victories of life! You can find comfort from Him in your darkest moments. He will give you wisdom for everyday situations as you travel life's journey. There is no prayer request so small or too large to share with God. If your request is important to you then it is important to God.

Please remember, as well, that there are no situations too complicated that God cannot solve. We read in the New Testament book of Luke, '...nothing is impossible with God' (Luke 1:37). So, whether His answer is "Yes", "Not now", or "No, I have a better idea" - God's methods of answering our requests are always in our best interest and His eternal glory. And His timing to bring answers is always perfect.

When you face trials and temptations, you will hear opinions from many different sources. Which voice has wisdom? Which one, if any, should you follow? You know that you should follow God, but do you recognize His voice? Here is an important lesson: If you interact daily with God you will learn to recognize His voice at all times; especially in those seasons of life when you face trials and temptations. Jesus is your friend who sticks closer to you than a brother and He will never fail you. His voice is the one that you should follow at all times.

Paul told us to pray in the Spirit. The Holy Spirit is the third member of the Trinity. There is God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit. You will learn more about this as you grow in your relationship with the Lord. The Holy Spirit is called the Comforter and the Counselor. He empowers believers and gives us spiritual gifts to be witnesses of Jesus Christ. I encourage you to ask the Lord to help you know the Holy Spirit more, to allow the presence of the Holy Spirit to be strong in your life, and to act in a manner that glorifies God.

Is it important to interact daily with God? Absolutely yes! When you do, you will discover you will receive comfort, wisdom, strength, and love from Him.

As you travel life's journey with God, I pray you will develop a strong prayer life and relate daily with your new inner circle of friends.

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